Be Fruitful

Be fruitful. If you’ve read Genesis, you’ve read those two words. Typically, we understand fruitfulness as procreation, and we act on it. But being fruitful ism ore than just having babies.

Paul uses this term when addressing the Colossians when he says, “being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” It is obvious that he intends the good work to produce something good that points to God.

Everyone bears some kind of fruit.

So what is it to be fruitful? Well, technically, everyone is fruitful. We all have influence on things or people that can change behavior, actions or reactions. Jesus put it bluntly in Matthew 7:17-20, “Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. therefore by their fruits you will know them”

But when we read “be fruitful”, God isn’t saying that what we think is good fruit is necessarily what He meant. God means for us to reflect Him, His love, goodness and mercy, which is the the fruit He intends for us all. This is actually the easiest way for all people to be fruitful according to God’s will.

Are you stuck in traffic and you’re late for a meeting? Is your impulse reaction to start honking your horn and complaining very loudly to whoever will hear you? Exactly what good does that do you? The anger you express isn’t really relieved, although the yelling exertion might drain some of that excess energy. No, actually what it does in increase your frustration and anger because you’re too focused on the problem. What if, instead of yelling, you started singing to music on the radio? What? You’re afraid the people in the car next to you might see you and laugh? Don’t you think those same people would see you yelling at nobody in your car and think you look just as ridiculous? The only difference is, those people who laugh are smiling because your singing has brought them a sliver of joy while your anger will only provoke them to think critically and fuel their frustration. That, my friends, is fruit.

It’s not always easy to put that smile on, but once you do, it’s easy to see the fruit it brings. When you’re having a bad day, the first thing you want to do is to find someone who will listen while you complain. But what if you changed your response to finding someone who could use your help, instead? Maybe they’re having a bad day too, and you can help them through it. Or what if you stepped back from your circumstances and just took several deep breaths to refocus your mind? Most often, what that does is help you see the remedy to your problem more clearly, and it also provides a good example for others around you to follow. This is fruit, too.

There’s always a catch.

But there’s a catch. Isn’t there always? You can’t do this by yourself and be successful every time. It’s just not possible. The more you resolve to do God’s will, the harder it is. Not because you don’t want to, but because the enemy already knows your weaknesses and he attacks them continuously until you break down. That’s his M.O. It’s subtle most of the time, and you don’t even realize it until you’ve already lost your temper or acted out against God’s will.

Thank God for His mercy! Not only will He forgive you for your callous mistake (callous because you thought you could do this without God), but He also is ready and willing to guide you and help you succeed!

Live in Him and He will show you how.

Jesus said plainly, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing.” Jesus invites us to abide in Him. When we accept, He lives in us and starts to show us the difference between God’s will and the world’s. He plainly tells us that we cannot do it without Him. Period.

When we truly give our whole hearts to Jesus, our Savior, the Son of God, then we will truly be able to obey God’s command to be fruitful. Our lives will change, our behavior will change, we will change. Not from anything we have done to change, but what Jesus has done within us that changes our desires and our will. We turn away from our flesh and turn towards the Son. Everyone around us will see the evidence of Him in our lives, and will want what we have found.  Peace. That is planting seeds and bearing fruit.

Happy Sunday to you! Love and Peace….Molly


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